In order to enter the State of Colorado or Montana, first you have to get inside the United States. And in order to understand what is going on in a single room in a person's house, or a single office within a suite, I have to first assess the entire floor plan. Clients sometimes request that only a PART of their house or business be looked at-- and usually this is based on financial concerns. What most people do not know until they are informed is the following:
A single room is usually a smaller version of the whole space, so calculations must first be performed on the whole structure.
A single room could also be assessed according to where it is located in the bigger picture. As an example, there could be a work station area within a building where many of the secretaries tend to get married or pregnant shortly after working there. Or there may be a section of a commercial space that is always hard to lease because of where it is within the building.
Sometimes it is determined that the most effective remedies need to take place OUTSIDE the structure, once the building has been analyzed as a whole.
Sometimes the most important remedies need to be in areas of the house that are not even heavily used spaces, because the remedy can influence the whole house.
A client may want a feng shui assessment done on a room that has been deemed negative, but the best alternative may be to use another room entirely (when available).
People still confuse feng shui with some kind of mystical interior decorating so they need to be educated about the effects that a whole house, lot, or building can have on the occupants.
There are certain circumstances, when a room has been completely sealed off or separated from other rooms, then it should be viewed as its own unique space. But the interior feng shui will still be affected by the immediate exterior surroundings as well.
It is true that there are priorities. The bedroom is the most important room in the house because most people sleep a third of their lives in that one spot. The commonly used entrance is really important, called the "ch'i gate" and a home office where people spend at least an hour or more per day also ranks higher than what we do with dining rooms, kitchens or bathroom.
Autor: Kartar Diamond
Kartar Diamond is a classically trained Feng Shui practitioner who helps individuals and businesses world wide. For more information regarding Kartar's products, books and services, go to
Added: November 11, 2009
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