Innumerable studies have shown that a good night's rest is vital to happy and healthy living. By applying these 8 Feng Shui Bedroom Tips don't be surprised if you find yourself sleeping better, and feeling more rested and refreshed than ever before.
These Feng Shui bedroom tips are all about attracting and channeling energy through and around the room. Done correctly this energy will work toward a health restoring, restful sleep experience.
Feng Shui understands that all aspects of life contain levels of energy. Science, within several independent studies, agree that "all matter in the universe is connected on the subatomic level through a constant dance of quantum energy exchange."
In other words what scientists have discovered within the last few hundred years, the Eastern practice of Feng Shui has known and applied for 1000's of years.
So, let's get started on creating the positive energy effects of getting a good night's sleep by applying these Feng Shui bedroom tips.
Bedroom Tip 1: Rearrange Your Bed
The foot of the bed should not point directly to the door.
The door is the entry way for Feng Shui's life energy. Blocking or stopping that energy with objects or doors will only create limited access or stagnant air pockets.
The goal is to allow the positive energy (known as Sheng Chi in Feng Shui) to easily move around the room and over your body as you sleep.
Position the bed in a way you can easily see but does not block the door.
Bedroom Tip 2: De Clutter
The fewer items you have strewn around the room the more conducive your room will be to peace, rest and sleep. Surface clutter goes beyond Feng Shui in that the subtle emotional reactions will agitate your inner space. But, with Feng Shui in the bedroom clutter acts as a energy breaker or blocker.
Imagine your room as a road. If you have to constantly maneuver around objects such as rocks, tree limbs, or animals...the drive becomes exhausting. If you can cruise down a clear country road for miles without distraction, the drive is relaxingly enjoyable. Chi energy works in the same way, when the space is free of clutter. Don't forget to clean and clear under the bed. Though a great storage area, stuff under the bed will block energy from circulating properly.
Bedroom Tip 3: Use Soft Edged Furniture
Anything with "points" is understood to generate Sha Chi energy which is the negative counterpart of Sheng Chi.
This type of energy drains and weakens. It's the place of depletion, sickness and poverty. If you are experiencing feeling of depression or general malaise, it is understood by the followers of Feng Shui that you are under the influence of Sheng Chi energy.
Pointed edges from furniture, head boards or anything in the room that is pointing toward you as you sleep are referred to as "poison arrows".
Evaluate the rooms layout and either replace your furniture with softer edged ones or reposition those points so they are not facing you as you lie on your bed.
Feng Shui Bedroom Tip 4: Close the Master Bathroom Door
Water is full of moving energy, when a master bathroom door is open it will attract and pull any positive energy quickly through the room and down the toilet.
Think of this as acting like electricity. Electricity always takes the path of least resistance, so will Feng Shui in the bedroom if you do not keep the bathroom door closed.
Bedroom Tip 5:Move The Electronics
Keep computers, telephones, televisions, cell phones at least 5 to 6 feet away from the bed. These items give off electromagnetic fields (EMF) which will take a toll on your overall health and well being over time.
If you cannot move these due to a small spaced bedroom, try to separate or break up the path to these EMF waves by using a portable wall divider or large floor plant.
Bedroom Tip 6: Remove Activity
A desk with a computer or an exercise treadmill is a constant reminder of work or exercise. Remove any items that do not create the attitude and expectation of rest and sleep.
Once again if there is no room in the rest of your house, find a way to block or divide the visual awareness of these items also by using a large plant or room divider of some sort.
Bedroom Tip 7: Paint the Walls
Color effects your mood and emotions. By painting your walls a soft robin egg blue or warm neutral, the mood in the room will invite peace and slumber. Accent the walls with soft edged paintings with further soothing colors. Do not include mirrors as a wall design accent.
Bedroom Tip 8: Open Those Windows
If at all possible circulate fresh air through the bedroom each night. By circulating air you are circulating Cheng Shi in your Feng Shui in the bedroom.
These are just a few important steps to inviting the positive life changing power of Feng Shui in your bedroom.. By implementing these simple steps to bring Feng Shui into your bedroom you are well on your way to experiencing more success, improving your health and of course, getting a superior nights sleep.
Autor: Sue E Krippner
Sue Krippner is a Free Lance Artist, Home Staging and Redesign Professional. She is attracted to "all things beautiful, especially as it relates to interior decorating and design.
Visit to see samples of her art and find plenty of professional design, tips hints and secrets to help facilitate your personal interior design goals with money saving frugal flair!
Added: November 13, 2009
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