Here are 6 more simple Feng Shui beginners tips for you to use...
Decide what you want to attract into your life and arrange your living space accordingly...
What is your current home template?
Examine the template you have created for yourself in your home. Does it add to your stress or does it bring stress relief? What overall energy does your home project? Does your home project the template that you want for yourself? Are you happy about the messages that your home displays?
- Create More Fun and Happiness in Your Life If you feel depressed or heavy in your soul, try opening up your environment to light in every way. Open the curtains. Put candles everywhere. Try hanging gauzy fabric from the ceiling. Consider a bird for a pet! You will be amazed at the affect on your mood! One of my most effective feng shui tips is to use color. Happy colors! Use bright yellows and cheerful colors on your walls and in your home. Open the windows and let as much light in as possible. Put up a wind sock, colorful banners and a bird feeder. Put a whimsical sculpture in your living room. Paint one dining room chair with stripes and another with polka dots. Have fun, colorful, carefree household accessories and this will spill into your life.
- Create More Simplicity in Your Life Get rid of absolutely everything you don't need or you don't love! Be ruthless. If you haven't used it in the last two years, get rid of it. If you haven't worn it in a year, get rid of it. Clear your cupboards, clear your coffee table, clean your shelves. Revel in the bare simplicity of your home and your life will begin to be more simple too.
- Release a Negative Past As with all feng shui tips, the idea is to do in the material that which you strive for in the mental and emotional. So, to release a negative past, release all objects in your home that carry the energy into your present life. The Zulus will burn clothes that someone wore when going through a difficult time to release the emotional residue left on the clothes. Some cultures will burn the clothes a woman was wearing when she gave birth so that she and the baby symbolically step into a new cycle. If there are objects in your home that have bad memories associated with them or that were given to you by someone you don't feel good about, get rid of them. (Or clean them thoroughly.) The objects in your home should make you feel happy! Otherwise negative associations will drag down the energy in your home. When you shop for or acquire new items for your home, be aware of how you feel when you shop for it as this will affect the energy of the item once it is in your home. Mindfulness is the key! Get rid of 'unhappy' objects and you will feel more free to step forward in your life.
- Be Healthier in Your Life There are two areas to work with here. The first deals with the physical environment. Check EMF's in your home and eliminate as many as possible. Invest in an air-purification system. Drink purified water. Check for allergens and find ways to neutralize them. Another way to create a 'health' template is to create an environment that feels healthy and vibrant. Put healthy plants everywhere. Color the walls bright, clear colors instead of murky ones. Put up photos of healthy looking people. Completely clean your home and cleanse the energies. The more energy and vitality your home projects, the easier it is for you to stay healthy and well.
- Be More Beautiful To feel more beautiful, create beauty around yourself. Take time to be still and be aware of what represents beauty to you. A bowl of pink roses. Sunlight streaming through the window. Your child. The sound of birds. The taste of your favourite fruit. Buy one perfectly beautiful sheet for your bed and every time you get into bed feel yourself being enveloped by this perfect sheet. Create an environment that feels beautiful to you. The more you perceive, see, feel, smell, hear beauty all around you, the more beautiful you will become.
- Have More Adventure in Your Life Create an environment that says 'I step beyond personal boundaries. I am willing to go for it in life.' Be daring. Mix styles and textures. Put up photos of exotic places. Use your best stuff every day. If you want more excitement and adventure in your life then break loose. Take risks in your home environment and this creates a template for you to step into adventures in life.
Autor: Margo Bastos
Want to 'Feng shui' your bedroom? Have a look at for simple 'how-to' tips.
Margo Bastos is passionate about holistic healing and natural stress-free living. Her abiding interest, continuing personal research and every-day philosophy is in alternative mind, body and spiritual modalities.
She has a real estate business in South Africa and her formal qualifications include a MA in Jewish Studies from the University of Cape Town.
Together with Alan Mounter, a practising holistic therapist, she has a website dealing with natural remedies for managing the negative effects of stress. Visit at
Added: August 11, 2009
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