Exactly what is feng shui?
It is the art and science of how you are affected by your environment.
Where did it come from?
It is an ancient Chinese earth science that was developed over 3,000 years ago.
What do the words "feng shui" mean?
Literally, "feng" means "wind" and "shui" means water. It is an abbreviation for a whole concept: The energy which is dissipated by the wind, collects at the boundary of water.
Is feng shui a belief system?
No, these principles are based on nature, laws of physics, common sense and good design.
What do the terms "good or bad feng shui" mean?
These terms have now become synonymous with balance and harmony, so a place that is determined to have bad feng shui is a place which can undermine a person's health and well-being. A place with good feng shui is considered an environment that supports and enhances a person's ability to do well physically, emotionally, and financially.
How is a feng shui analysis done?
There are a variety of styles and schools which have distinct methods for diagnosing a house or building. But all schools will take note of the immediate exterior influences and how they might interact with the interior of a structure. An example might be noticing the street alignment to a property, the shape of the building, and the particulars of the floor plan. An advanced analysis includes insight to the personality of the structure based on when it was built.
How long does a consultation take?
Depending on the size of the structure, the simplicity or complexity of the floor plan, and the number of occupants to be included, a consultation could take anywhere from several hours to several days.
When is the best time to utilize the services of a feng shui consultant?
One of the best times to get advice is before you buy or build. Houses with naturally good energy will generally bring more fortune than those that need lots of remedies to fix their flaws. Most people who are new to feng shui will receive a consultation for a property they already inhabit. There are still many powerful ways to enhance your property, even if it has some problems.
What are some examples of remedies?
Using natural elements in a room in a specific way can actually alter the energy of the room to the point where it makes a noticeable change in a person's life. Elements include water (like a fountain) and real metal objects, such as things made of copper, brass, or bronze. Other remedies may be employed in the landscape or furniture arrangement, as well as choices for color. Through interior design and d�cor alterations, the energy and flow of air currents in a room can have an immediate or gradual affect.
Autor: Kartar Diamond
Kartar Diamond has distinguished herself as one of the leading consultants, teachers, and authors of this mystical subject called Feng Shui. There are many schools and traditions and Kartar has studied all of them. Kartar practices and teaches the most practical and affordable methods and is excited to share this information with you.
Go to http://www.FengShuiSolutions.net for more information.
Added: June 10, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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