Everyone is influenced by the energies in their home. And any area in which you spend a great deal of time will have the greatest influence upon you. Whether sleeping, relaxing, studying or working we spend many hours in one particular room of our house. It is no wonder then that feng shui in the bedroom is a main concern.
Placement of your bed is foremost. Without a proper nights sleep we can not thrive. Here are a few key considerations.
There should be a wall behind your head. A solid headboard is ideal, rather than slats or scroll work, which do not provide adequate support. As fashionable as it is, do not put your bed at an angle to a corner. The empty space creates vibrations that can disturb your sleep. It also creates a psychological hiding place for intruders. Likewise, do not put your bed in the middle of the room.
Make sure your bed is not placed in front of the door. The door acts as a funnel and the Qi moves through too rapidly and can cause a restless sleep. Do not have your feet facing the door. When you walk into the room you should not run into the bed.
Under a window is not a suitable placement for your bed. Qi that leaks through the windows is a disturbing influence. You may feel unsafe and fearful of intruders coming through the window while you sleep.
You do not want to see mirrors while you are in bed. If you wake in the night you can be startled by reflections. If you must have a mirror that is seen from your bed, cover it at night.
All of the above prevent a fully recuperative sleep.
Ensuite bedrooms have become very popular. From a feng shui perspective it is better to have one room for sleeping and another separate room for all bathroom functions. Bathrooms allow smells and moisture into the sleeping and storage areas. This can ultimately lead to health problems.
The bedroom should be a place of rest and retreat. Remove your computer and all work related items. Find yourself another spot for working and reserve your bedroom for rest and romance. Electronic items such as computers and even clocks and radios create disturbing vibrations. A fan over your bed can cause medical problems in the body part that is below the fan.
Clear out unused items for a calm environment. Sort through your closets and discard or donate clothing you haven't worn in the last year. The area under your bed should be kept clear. If you must use the area for storage make sure it is only clean linens. And leave some room between the storage containers and the box spring for the qi to circulate.
Use neutral colors and avoid busy patterns and fabrics. No flowers or fountains in the bedroom please. They are too yang.
Now, go to bed and enjoy a good nights sleep.
Autor: Diane Kern Diane Kern
Level: Platinum
Diane Kern has been trained in the ancient art of Feng Shui in the traditional method. The knowledge has been transmitted through 13 generations from ... ...
Diane Kern has been trained in the ancient art of Feng Shui in the traditional method. The knowledge has been transmitted through 13 generations from Masters to student via an apprenticeship of extensive study and practical field experience. Ms. Kern was included in a small group of students selected by her Master for advanced training. She is a member of an international team of experts, Alliance Feng Shui, whose resources can be called upon to accomplish your goals.
Ms. Kern assures the privacy and confidentiality of clients. Your name will not be used for advertising or referrals. The culture of integrity, respect and discipline instilled by her Master ensures you a productive working relationship and attention towards successful completion of your goals.
Added: June 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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