Feng Shui is a popular belief system which concerns the layout of your home. Based on a combination of spiritual and scientific beliefs, it has been around for a very long time and it concerns the way that the layout of your home can affect the way the energy moves into and out of your life. The study of Feng Shui can be absolutely fascinating, and even life changing. For instance, it is believed by practitioners of Feng Shui that one part of your home where your wealth may be literally going down the drain could be your bathroom. I'm going to show you new ways to improve your prosperity and deepen your understanding of this system.
You may or may not have heard of the Feng Shui bagua, which is otherwise known as the map of the space where you live. For instance, and perhaps not surprisingly, the bedroom relates to the marriage and should therefore be positioned in the marriage area of the Feng Shui house. The office belongs in the knowledge, wealth or career area. However, did you know that there is a good place and a bad place for your bathroom to be located if you are hoping to be prosperous? Your bathroom relates to wealth, prosperity, career and cash flow, which is the water element. However, it also is associated with waste and elimination. So therefore, the position of your bathroom is vital to avoid draining Chi away from you before it has a chance to circulate through your home and thus into your life.
In fact, the bathroom has no particular place on the Feng Shui map, so wherever you put it, it will be slightly out of place. Nevertheless, it's probably worth telling you where your bathroom should not be located. Time-tested Feng Shui wisdom advises that you must never put your bathroom next to or above the front door. Bathrooms on the first floor, directly above the kitchen or the front door are also inadvisable. You must not put your bathroom in the centre of your office area, nor under the stairs.
Organize Your Bathroom, the Feng Shui Way
Of course, you don't always have any choice about where your bathroom is located. If this is the case, and you feel that it is in the "wrong" place, there are precautions you can take to keep the wealth in your home. It is worth knowing that faulty plumbing, wherever your bathroom is located, is related to the draining out of energy. Putting a mirror on the back of the bathroom door will help to keep the energy from draining out of the bathroom. Also, keeping the toilet seat down helps and putting a bowl of pebbles on the cistern will enable the earth energy to counteract the draining element of the water and keep the energy in your home.
If you use these principles, you will have taken every precaution to keep wealth in your life - it has to be worth a try.
Autor: Pam Stinson
Pam has been writing articles for blogs and article directories for several years now and specializes in diet, health and fitness, travel, home decorating, frugal living, cooking and pet care. Visit her latest site Cheap Bamboo Flooring, where she also has a recent Bamboo Flooring Review.
Added: December 5, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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