The goal of feng-shui is to harmonize the flow of life energy. Based on principles of astrology, early Chinese cultures tried to find correlations between humans and the universe. The art of feng shui are based on the principle theories of Qi (Ch'i) and polarity.
Ch's essentially is a life force that moves among earth and that can be positive and negative. Sometimes it is referred to as an internal physical energy, as it is in the martial arts. The theory of chi is that the universe has an effect on every minute part of earth. It is hard to disregard this theory altogether, as it is proven that space weather can have a dramatic effect on technology and creatures on earth.
Polarity refers to the Yin and Yang theory. Just like in a magnetic field, you have a positive magnet and a negative magnet that cause them to attract to each other. Similarly, Yin and Yang is made of two parts; one part receives exertion while the other part creates exertion. As you may know, Chinese medicine is an attempt to balance Yin and Yang in your body. However, feng shui is trying to align a city, building, or object with the yin-yang force fields.
The truth, modern feng shui has mostly been lost in translation in the western world. It is a highly complicated and ancient school of thought. Feng shui is also something that westerners have attempted to capitalize on over the years. However, the basic principles of balance, order, and peace can only bring positive energy into your life.
One thing many of us work so hard for is prosperity. While for some that may mean money and others it may mean good health for oneself and family. As a matter of fact, just having a place to sleep and food to eat may be considered prosperous for some.
So no matter what prosperity means to you and even if you do not care about feng shui, we can all benefit from organization and efficiency - if only for our mental well-being! Some computer furniture companies try to profit off of the idea of feng shui, and I would be very wary of those claims. Basically, they are just trying to say that their product will help you be more organized at work! My favorite piece of furniture is the corner computer desk, so I would be curious to know how this would affect my chi.
Autor: Michelle Louis
learn more about compuer desks and compuer furniture
Added: April 28, 2009
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