The year of Ji Chou (Earth Ox) begins on 4th February 2009 and ends on 4th February 2010. The #9 purple star occupies the central position this year.
The most auspicious area in your house/office is the northwest area. This year northwest area is being visited by the #1 white star - amongst other things the #1 white star represents intelligence, wisdom, academic achievements, literary achievements, reputation and fame. The #1 white star is related to new beginnings and is regarded as the future prosperous wealth star.
The #1 white star in northwest (qian) palace will bring in luck for those who are in senior management or are holding powerful administrative posts. This area will be beneficial for politicians, financial managers, finance advisors and budget planners. People using this area will have good analyzing ability. This area is suitable for people in military, police and other law enforcement department.
Middle aged men using this area will get good support from their superiors and seniors. They are likely to get a promotion and/or opportunity to join a powerful post.
Utilize this room as often as possible. If this is not possible at least open the windows in this area and make the area active.
The center this year is visited by the #9 purple star. The #9 purple star represents future prosperity star in period 8 (2004 - 2024). The #9 purple star is a fiery star and brings about fast action. The attributes of the #9 purple star are beauty, glamour, brilliance, spirit, anger (hot headedness), aggressiveness, culture and advancement. In the world political arena you will see decisions being made after much heated debates and arguments. In the corporate world middle management people especially ladies in middle management will outshine others and will receive recognition for their work.
There will be a rise in cultural and fashion events. People will be drawn to such events. This year fashion will see new designs and designers. People will become more beauty and fashion conscious.
This year new reforms will be made and put in practice in the financial markets to prevent future meltdowns. Discussions, debates and ideas for financial security and management will be held.
This year the southeast (xun) palace is host to the #8 white star. The #8 white star is considered the wealth star for period 8 (2004 - 2024) and is an auspicious star.
The #8 star by nature is yang earth and southeast (xun) palace is yang wood. According to wu xing (five elements) theory the qi in this area is disruptive and not smooth. You can use the southeast area this year, but avoid doing construction, renovations or any form of repair work in this area. Children using this room could be prone to hurting their limbs, rheumatic and arthritis problems. You should place red color objects in the area.
The #8 white star represents wealth, fame and respect. To reap the benefits of the #8 white star you need to keep this area active by using it as often as possible. If this is not possible then at least open the windows in this area and let the good qi flow in.
This year the north is afflicted with the #5 yellow star. The #5 yellow star is known as the tragedy or calamity star. The #5 yellow star is inauspicious, malefic and one of the most dreaded star in feng shui. It is not only unusable and untimely, but it brings in disasters, calamities, loss of business, health problems and relationship problems. In the ancient texts it is mentioned that till the time the area that hosts the #5 yellow star is not disturbed the star will not show its malefic nature. Therefore, it is wise to avoid any form of ground - breaking, construction works, renovations and repair works in the north area.
The #5 yellow star is yang earth in nature and north (kan) palace is yang water in nature. In wu xing (five elements) theory earth destroys water. This means the northern side of cities, states, countries and continents will be more prone to natural disasters related to earth and water like floods, earthquakes and storms. There could be issues related to contaminated water, chemicals or medicines.
The #5 yellow star denotes fatalities, you will be prone to difficult to diagnose illnesses. People using this area often could face health problems related to kidneys, ears, genital and urinary bladder. Babies, expecting mother and senior citizens should avoid this area. Besides health problems you will face financial problems, delays and obstacles in conducting your work.
This is one star that requires a remedy to keep it calm. Utilize any one of the remedies mentioned below. Remember not to disturb the star by doing construction, ground breaking or repair works in this area.
- A six rod metal wind chime - when it rings it should make a metallic sound (unlike popular believe it is not the number of rods, but the sound that matters).
- Salt water cure - in a medium sized glass bowl fill 3/4 salt and fill with water. The size of the bowl depends on the size of the house or the room. You will need to change this mixture every time it gets dry or dirty.
- Other remedies include a metal wu lou (calabash). Six Chinese coins and round or circular brass or copper artifacts.
The west this year is afflicted with the #2 black star. This star is untimely, inauspicious and malefic in nature. The #2 black represents sickness. In my personal experience I have seen the #2 black star cause unnecessary delays, obstacles and abrupt change of plans. In the west the #2 black star could cause fire related accidents especially during September/October.
The #2 black star is yin earth in nature and the west (dui) palace is yin metal in nature. According to wu xing (five elements) theory the #2 black star nurtures the dui palace. Therefore, it will not show its extreme malefic nature however, during certain months you will have to take precautionary measures.
The #2 black star represents elderly women. The west sector represents younger woman. This could mean a conflict or dispute amongst women of the household. If you use the west area often, then you should double check your plans and be careful while making financial investments. If your house's/ office electrical mains are located in this area then check your equipment properly to prevent fire hazards.
Since the #2 black star represents sicknesses expecting mothers, babies and elderly people should avoid this area.
Keeps the area quiet and avoid any form of renovation, construction or earth digging work in this area. Appropriate date selection will be required to do construction/repairs/renovations in this area.
You could place a metal wu lou (calabash) in this area. Another way to negate the #2 black stars negative attributes is to place salt water cure.
Salt water cure - In a medium sized glass or ceramic bowl fill half salt and top it up with water. Change the mixture whenever dry or dirty.
This year the east is afflicted by san sha (also known as "Three killings" or saam set). The east is not a good area in 2009, appropriate date selection should be done before repair, renovation, ground breaking or construction works are done.
If your houses back door is located in this area you need to be careful of pilfering, robbery and armed assaults. In the modern world "being robbed" could be translated as loss of finances, somebody stealing your ideas, losing projects to competitors or losing/somebody stealing your work.
TAI SUI - Grand duke of Jupiter
Tai sui changes its position every year and this year it occupies the northeast sector (15 - 45 degrees). Houses facing especially with doors located in and facing northeast will face the most problems. With tai sui located in your front door, you will find it difficult to progress. In offices it creates unnecessary delays, disruption of plans, unexpected legal hassles, robberies, anxiety, people turning against you and loss of money.
In one of the ancient texts it is written that whichever area tai sui is located one should not do any earth digging work. For safety reasons I include repairs, construction, digging of earth and too much noise. If disturbed tai sui can cause a lot of problems that ranges from bankruptcy, health issues, legal hassles, fights, disruption of work, accidents and the list is endless. Personally I have seen tai sui create havoc in the form of legal hassles, loss of money, disruption of work and robbery.
TSUI PO - year breaker
Tsui Po is always located opposite to that of Tai sui. This year tsui po is located in southwest (195 - 225degrees). Tsui Po is also known as the year breaker. It is similar to tai sui and you should avoid doing any digging work in this area, for safety reasons I include repairs, renovation and too much noise.
Tsui Po disturbed creates all kinds of problems related to health, robberies, legal hassles, loss of wealth and the list continues.
Members of houses that face (15 - 45 degrees) northeast and have their back to southwest (195 - 225 degrees) need to exercise caution in all their decisions, it is best not to make any drastic changes in life, you should lay low and generally take it slow this year.
People born in the same year as tai sui (Ji Chou - Earth Ox) or tsui po (Gui Wei - Water Goat), should be careful especially if you live in a northeast (15 - 45 degrees) facing house.
Next month on 'Inauspicious days in 2009'
Autor: Jayashree Bose Jayashree Bose
Level: Basic
Feng shui, bazi and yijing consultant and writer....
Jayashree Bose - Feng shui, bazi and yijing consultant and writer.
Added: February 21, 2009
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